Monday, January 27, 2020

Aspects of English Language

Aspects of English Language The language is the collection of symbols and rules for combining the symbols, which can express and infinite variety of messages. In the definition, language separate to three criteria. First is language is symbolic which known as the use of symbols such in spoken or written words to express ideas to the world. The second is language is generative which define as the capability to produce many different messages by combining symbols in different ways. The third language as structured which mean following grammatical rules and produce grammatical sentences. Besides the criteria, language has three aspects such as grammar, meaning and sounds. Three Aspects of Language Grammar is known as a set of rules for producing correct sentences in a language. Meaning is known as semantic understanding of sentences but is not necessary grammatically correct. Meaning of words can represent by breaking them into morphemes which is known as small units of meanings. Morphemes include stem words, prefixes and suffixes. For example word unfairly which has stem word as fair adding of prefix un and suffix ly and these morphemes produces changes in word stem. Each of morphemes contributes the different meaning for the words. The sounds are also very important in language. Its produce the phonemes to understand the spoken sentences. In hierarchical organization when producing sentences people will make error in speaking or slip of the tongue. The errors also can divide into word errors, morphemes errors and phoneme errors. There are other types errors occur in the linguistic such as word exchange, morpheme exchange and phoneme exchange. Word exchange is an error in whi ch two linguistic units are substituted for each other during sentence production. For example buying mother for my fruits rather than buying fruits for my mother. The morpheme exchange is known as error in which two morphemes are substituted for each other during sentence production. For example, sentence like speakly loud rather than speak loudly. Finally, phoneme exchange is known as an error in which two phonemes are substituted for each other during sentence production. For example, twit nower for twin tower. Psychology and Grammar Psychologists are interest to study how people learn to speak in grammatically correct sentences. Phrase structure grammar can define as a set of rules for partitioning a sentence into its grammatical units and it has 3 rules. The first is partitions the sentence into noun phrase followed by verb phrase. The second rule is states that the noun phrase can be partitioned into a determiner followed by a noun. The third rule states that the verb phrase can be partitioned into a verb followed by noun phrase, which is again broken down into a determiner and a noun. But Chomsky (1965) found that the phrase structure grammar does not explain how sentences can be modified to form of similar meaning. Later it came up with transformational grammar which known as a set of rules for transforming a sentence into a closely related sentence. For example, how we change an active statement into a passive statement. Besides that, words can be grammatical clues. The relation between meaning and grammar is important because producing a grammatical sentence does not make the sentence will be meaningful. The meaning of words sometimes provides hints as to grammatical phrases will come next in sentences. Many words have more than one meaning but this would not confuse us. The context in which the word appears gives information about which meaning is appropriate. Carpenter and Danemans (1981) general model of the stages involved in the sentence comprehension. The first stage is as fixate and encode the next word and then second stage is retrieving the meanings of words. The third step is try to integrate retrieved concepts with prior context and the fourth step is seeing whether it has integration been successfully completed for at least one concept. If the integration is successful, the process encodes next code and if not successful, we try to recover the error. Using Semantic Context in Sentence Comprehension The word recognition is often facilitated by the semantic context. Sometimes, people face difficulties in recognizing a word when reading the illegible handwriting and they rely on the surrounding words and sentences to help us identify the illegible word. People also select the meaning of ambiguous words by looking context of sentences. In resolving ambiguities, good readers those who are active in working memory able to interpret of an ambiguous word and quickly select the suitable meaning when they receive a clarifying context. Interpreting phrases is to produce syntactic and semantic representations of a sentence and relate the sentence to prior knowledge. For example, when people heard phrase a business man and they might have few interpretation like have luxury cars, a big bangle and rich with money. Implication of Sentences Comprehension is considering how people understand sentences in which the information asserted directly. But, using language can imply something without directly. In Courtroom testimony, implications can influence not only how a witness responds to questions but also helps the jury to remember about testimony of witness. The implication without telling the original meaning of something can find advertising. Some advertisement tells the problems face by customer and show their product as solution. So that people then understand how the product functioning. Literature Review Title: Investigating the role of language in childrens early educational outcomes From: Sue Roulstone, Judy Clegg Tim Paters (2010) Children develop their language skill at 2 years old. Their communication environments influence mainly their language development. The communication environments are the context where the children improve their language for example, interaction or activity with child and parent, playing with others, television program and others. In childhood period most children develop their speech and language skills with less effort. Roulston, Clegg and Paters (2010) have conducted a longitudinal study about their communication environment in childrens early educational performances. They want examine the characteristics of the environment in which children learn to communicate and extends which affect children readiness for school (language skills, reading, mathematics and social skills). They came up with three research questions. First is what extent is childs early language development associated with performance on assessments in schools. The second is what extent is the childs early communication environment associated with performance on the assessments. Third is what are the characteristics of the children early communication environment that contribute to the children language developments. They conducted the study on children who are in 24 months from 4941 boys and 4688 girls. The test conducted with questionnaires which complete by the mothers. The data collected about children academic performance from children schools. They found that from view of impact of children early language development on school entry, the language influenced mainly from social class or social background where children come from. The learning early language made an important contribution to the variation in childrens performance. Children understandings and use of vocabulary are very strongly associates with their performance. Besides that, from view of the impact of children communication environment, children who are early ownership of book, trips to library, get good attendance in school, parents teaching with activities and toys achieved higher scores on the assessment. Children also improve language from television program however, the increasing duration in time of watching television affect childs academic at school negatively. From the view of role of communication environment in the development of language skills, both childrens language skills communication environment are important for outcomes at start of primary schools. Communication environment helps to learn vocabulary, understanding of meaning of words and develop speech. Therefore, the role of language becomes clear within 24 months. Parents should make sure that children have better communication environment which help them to develop their language skills.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

My Quality World

Typically when people think of their quality world they think of the perfect life; fun, friends, the dream family, dream Job, and the money to buy anything they desire. Of course ideally I want the finer things in life, but I would never want to be the type of person to be the type of person to take handouts. I aspire to be a strong, independent, intelligent woman with strong determination & whom is persistent to honestly earn everything I have. I am currently working towards an associates in counting, and later transfer to an university for a bachelors in business administration.Afterwards I will like to get my relaters license. I want to flip houses on the market, and use that money to invest into other business ventures. I feel like it is important to have a backup plan and a backup plan for my back up plan to ensure my business empire will be happen. However I don't want to do it all for Just myself. I want to be able to provide for my love ones; the ones who were selfless & love d me enough to take care of me when I couldn't provide for myself. My family means a lot to me and I want to be able to show them that.Home is where the heart is and my heart is with them. Although independence is a very important part of my quality world , I know I can't do it all on my own. I feel like any plan that doesn't have God In It is a plan to fail. I want to have a strong spiritual connection. I believe that this would help bring harmony and tranquility in my life. I want to give off good vibes and positive energy, and I want the people around me to share those same values. I want o be open minded enough to intake different knowledge from those who surround me.My quality world Involves comfort , but never to be content. Failure Is not an option , and neither is Just settling. The ultimate goal Is to be successful. When I look at being successful I don't Just see It from a materialistic aspect, but rather as being well rounded. Within my quality world I have peace of mind, wisdom, financial stability, happiness, and surround by the people I love and good vibes. I currently see myself as a diamond In a rough to make my quality world reality.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Why Children And Young People May Need To Be Looked After Away From Their Families

â€Å"There were over 91,000 looked after children in the UK in 2012. † (www. nspcc. org. uk) in this task I am going to describe why children and young people may need to be looked after away from their families. There are many reasons that children and young people may need to be looked after away from their home, one of those are the child’s or young person’s parents. This may be down to bereavement of the parents meaning that they have died, if the parents have died then the child or young person will go to the closest other family member unless there aren’t any in which case the child or young person would be looked after outside the family.Another reason children are being looked after away from their families is due to abuse. If the parents or guardians are abusing the child or young person in any way then they will be removed from the family home as it’s not safe for them, this comes under the children act (1998, 2004). â€Å"Over half of l ooked after children in England and Wales became looked after because of abuse or neglect in 2011/12. † (www. nspcc. org. uk) Some children or young people may go into temporary foster care due to parental illness, which is when the parent becomes dependant their self and are unable to look aft6er their child.For example if a single parent falls very ill then she/he would be unable to take proper care on their dependent child therefore they would go into a foster care setting where they would be looked after until the parent was again able to care for the child. The child or young person may be looked after away from the family if the parents feel they are incapable of taking care of them and have requested that they be adopted or in a foster family. One example of this is financial difficulty as the parents do not have enough money to care for the child and give it even a reasonable standard of life.Another example of this could be young parents that feel they are too young t hemselves to be able to take care of a child they may request that the child be taken into a more suitable family that will be able to take proper care of it. Also children or young people that have parents who have committed offences may need to be looked after if there is no other family as the parent could go to prison, depending on the offence the child may only be temporarily looked after in a foster family setting then would return to the family home when the parent is released.Although not all reasons that children need to be looked after outside of the family is due to the parents or guardians, some reasons may be due to the child or young person. One of these reasons is a child or young person with disabilities that have complex needs and are unable to be cared for at home as they do not have the right equipment or the money to get it.For example a child in a wheel chair may not be able to be cared for at home as the household they live in is not wheel chair friendly and th e family have not got the funding to move or renovate the house therefore the chid would be looked after outside the family. Another reason due to the child that they are being looked after outside the family is their behaviour. If a child or young person has behavioural problems they may become too much for the parent to handle and need to be looked after outside of the family. An example of this could be a child or young person who is harming he’s/hers family

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Role Of Leadership Style On Ethical Decision Making

Leadership is one of the most observed and the least understood phenomena on earth. Indeed, there are untold volumes on leadership. Why, then bother to write still another book about it? It is necessary because ours is a business-dominated society. There are business chronicles, stories of great corporations and their achievements, and other vehicles of self-justification. There are descriptions of ends attained, of outcomes. There are news reports of spectacular executive successes. However, it is hard to find specific documentation of the characteristic behavior of business leaders. Nor is it easy to define what a business leader is. The business world is an arena for achievers. Some are great financial manipulators. Some are spectacular marketers. Some are technical innovators and some build and rebuild communities. Are they leaders? They are executives, perhaps, but not always leaders. This writing will describe corporate leaders and corporate culture as it relates in today’s society. It will analyze the influence of leadership style on ethical decision-making. To discuss and understand leadership style, we have several options. One is to classify it, as do most research studies on leadership. We can do that by using labels, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and others. There are characterizations such as the craftsman, the jungle fighter, the company man, and the gamesman. We also can place leadership style on axes:Show MoreRelatedStrategy And Company Ethics For Success904 Words   |  4 Pagesethics in the plan will help the company succeed in the strategic decisions. This paper will discuss the leader’s role in the business strategy decision-making, assess management style that will be efficient in the business plan and ethical decision-making to attain competitive lead. 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